I’m about preparing magritte to be loadable in pharo 7. I encountered a bit 
strange behaviour where I had to take cumbersome measures. Magritte has method 
extensions that are called e.g.


These methods get loaded but when I commit something all of these methods are 
to be removed. The only thing I could do was to rename the extension methods. 
Is this intended? 
Doing the renaming I encountered of few things. Magritte had the extension 
method above in the Magritte-Model package. When I rename the category 
*Magritte-model-builder to *Magritte-Model the method gets removed. Not a very 
usual case but still strange.
In order to create a method extension one needs first to create a new protocol 
before converting to extension method. If the new protocol is empty and you 
convert it to an extension method it gets removed. So I had to first create a 
protocol, move a method in and then convert. This combined with the behaviour 
that if you select two methods the method pane jumps to the beginning of the 
list is a lot of work just to do this job. Still it is not a very usual case 
but some might be interested.


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