On Fri, 13 Apr 2018 at 13:56, Benoit St-Jean via Pharo-users <
pharo-us...@lists.pharo.org> wrote:

> Do we really need 8 delay schedulers (DelayMicrosecondScheduler,
> DelayMillisecondScheduler, DelayNullScheduler,
> DelayExperimentalSpinScheduler, DelaySpinScheduler, DelayTicklessScheduler,
> DelayExperimentalCourageousScheduler, DelayExperimentalSemaphoreScheduler)
> ?

I've cleaned the delay scheduling subsystem [1] to condense these
alternatives and separate orthogonal functionality.  After a couple of
reviews this was integrated and made active in last week's Build 1273.
Could anyone with test scenarios from previous issues with delays have a
bash at stressing the latest build.

The old(existing) DelaySpinScheduler remains in the system so it can be
activated as a point of comparison (System > Settings > System > Delay
Scheduler). Pending any adverse reports the final step will be to remove
the old hierarchy next week.

There remain separate mutex and semaphore based schedulers since:
* they differ by only a couple of overridden methods
* their slightly different implementations help highlight the core algorithm
* they provide a simple in-Image example of different synchronisation
* in isolating edge cases its useful to be able to compare results between

I've retained both microsecond and millisecond operation,
but extracted into "ticker" classes orthogonal to the "scheduling" classes
* it makes the core scheduling algorithm independent of time base
* millisecond (or other custom) timebase might(?) be more efficient on
smaller 32-bit embedded systems
* tests can now simulate ticker time to avoid tests interfering with
system's-active-scheduler VM interaction (which may be the source of some
random CI failures)
* delay scheduler tests are now independent of real-time (which may be the
source of some random CI failures where delays are affected by varying CI
server loads)
* when multi-threaded FFI callbacks become available, may facilitate
experimenting with:
     * wake-up from native timers
     * wake-up of embedded Pharo from the encompassing system

Other refactors:
* during system snapshot, save/restore of resumption times was happening at
user priority which risks a race condition reported at [2]. *All*
modification of resumption times now occurs at timing/highest priority.

[2] https://pharo.manuscript.com/f/cases/18359/

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