
By accident I came across a pseudo random number generator that I never heard 
off before. It is supposed to be pretty good and had a very simple 
implementation. So I ported it to Pharo.

<class comment>

I am RandomWELL512, a random number generator.

I use the PRNG (Pseudo Randon Number Generator) WELL (Well equidistributed 
long-period linear) with a 512 bit state.


Implementation algorithm (See #nextUInt32)

  http://www.lomont.org/Math/Papers/2008/Lomont_PRNG_2008.pdf (Chris Lomont, 


  RandomWELL512 new in: [ :r | (1 to: 10) collect: [ :i | r nextUInt32 ] ]. 

  RandomWELL512 new useUnixRandomGeneratorSeed; in: [ :r | (1 to: 10) collect: 
[ :i | r next ] ]. 

  RandomWELL512 new in: [ :r | (1 to: 10) collect: [ :i | r nextInt: 1000 ] ].

  RandomWELL512 new in: [ :random | | count all |
    random useUnixRandomGeneratorSeed.
    count := 1024 * 1024.
    all := Array new: count streamContents: [ :out |
      count timesRepeat: [ out nextPut: random next ] ].
    { all min. all max. all average. all stdev } ].

  [ RandomWELL512 new in: [ :random | 1 to: 1e6 do: [ :i | random next ] ] ] 

Note that you should create one instance, seed it properly, and keep using it.

</class comment>

It is acceptably fast, generating 1M [0,1) Floats in about 0.1s. I compared the 
output with a fixed initial state to the C code that I started from and I got 
the same numbers. Maybe some people find this interesting.

I attached a file out.


Attachment: RandomWELL512.st
Description: Binary data

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