Great, thanks! 

Does TaskIt include implementations for combining futures such as the ALL and 
the ANY futures which resolve either when all or one future resolves? From the 
documentation it looks that rather not.


> Am 29.11.2018 um 15:29 schrieb Santiago Bragagnolo 
> <>:
> Hi everybody :). 
> I am happy to announce TaskIt v1.0.
> In this version we add some new features, passed over the red tests and clean 
> up some dead code. And did a pass in the documentation  
> A bit from the DOC 
> Downloading
> Current stable version of taskit can be downloaded using metacello as follows:
> Metacello new
>   baseline: 'TaskIt';
>   repository: 'github://sbragagnolo/taskit';
>   load.
> If you want a specific release such as v1.0, you can load the associated tag 
> as follows
> Metacello new
>   baseline: 'TaskIt';
>   repository: 'github://sbragagnolo/taskit:v1.0';
>   load.
> Otherwise, if you want the latest development version, take a look at the 
> development branchs and load the latest:
> Metacello new
>   baseline: 'TaskIt';
>   repository: 'github://sbragagnolo/taskit:dev-1.1';
>   load.
> <>Major
>  Features
> Actors (ActIt)
> Configuration Profiles
> Service
> Check specially the configuration profiles. The default profile usage is 
> #development, which sets up the environment for debugging exceptions in a 
> process.
> I want to thank a lot to the contributors, Guillermo Polito Max Leske and  
> Daniel Sasu.
> I want as well to thanks the users, specially to those that bring me feedback 
> (blames and ideas) in person (Esteban, Pablo)  or through the different 
> channels (Holger Freyther, Juraj Kubelka, Philippe Back).
> I want also to apologise the delay of my responses on the issue board :) 
> (Really, sorry). I am constantly using TaskIt in other projects, but much 
> times I cannot do it my priority. 
> thanks a lot, 
> Santiago Bragagnolo. 

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