Le 29/01/2019 à 23:47, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am trying my first contribution / PR to pharo8.0
> I started with a latest zeroconfig 8.0 image/vm and I deleted my old fork and 
> made a new one.
> But repairing the repository by fetching does not bring it to the detached 
> state


There is currently a bug eating one character of the commit hash. So
Iceberg does not find the hash and thinks we need a fetch. So currently
we need to checkout Pharo8.0 in order to be in a good state :(

> I also don't understand how to make an issue branch for
> https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/issues/2395
> Is it Iceberg > Pharo > Create new branch for issue or Iceberg > Github > 
> Create new branch for issue ?

Just create a branch and choose the option to create a branch from a
Github option.

The other one was for Manuscript and is now useless for Pharo 8. I
opened an issue in Iceberg to remove it but I did not got the time to
contribute the change.

> What is the difference ?
> What about the Remote ?
> Can I work with only an issue on GitHub ?


What I am doing currently:

- Open an issue XX
- Sync my fork Pharo8.0 branch via command line (This is optional and
can also be done in Pharo. I just do it via command line because I like
it better that way)
- Download a Pharo 8 image
- Checkout the Pharo8.0 branch to get in a clean state because of the
hash eating bug I mentioned earlier
- Create a new branch from a github issue of the pharo remote
- Do the changes and commit. I add `Fixes #XX` in the commit message to
close automatically the issue when the PR is merged.
- Push to my remote
- Open a PR against Pharo8.0 through Iceberg > GitHub > Create new pull

> Is the documentation 
> https://github.com/pharo-project/pharo/wiki/Contribute-a-fix-to-Pharo
> really up to date ?


We should correct the hash eating bug before updating it I think.

> Sven

Cyril Ferlicot

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