Hi Sven,

I am really curious why you need it ?

This came up for me when I was trying to parse out pieces of a PDF file. As
you likely know, the PDF format has both text and binary information
encoded within it. I had used #upToAll: in the past to find sequences of
"magic bytes" that don't occur in the middle of a file. It seems that the
buffered read stream is what you get if you send #binaryReadStream to a
FileReference. But you're right — I could just convert streams and do it
that way (if you have other techniques you use, please send along).
#upToAll: would definitely be complicated to implement in the buffered

On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 5:11 AM Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl> wrote:

> ducasse <steph...@netcourrier.com> wrote:
> >
> > I imagine that sven did not add it because on infinite stream it does
> not make sense.
> > Now it would be good to see how we can have useful extensions. But I let
> this to sven.
> That sounds like something that would be useful to make explicit:
> isInfinite, with blocking, returning nil, returning null objects, or
> returning errors as possible expected behaviors?
> Stephan


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