This is great! Do you consider to register that on dockerhub? This way a new 
docker image is built on commit/release. And everyone can use a static url to 
refer to it. I tried to create a pharo organization on dockerhub but did not 
find the time to do all of the necessary steps. If both were present referring 
to it as


would all that is needed


> Am 03.12.2019 um 16:52 schrieb Pierce Ng <>:
> I've put up a Dockerfile that builds the pharo.cog.spur.minheadless VM
> on Alpine Linux within Docker. This allows one to build said VM without
> having to first create an Alpine Linux installation such as through
> VirtualBox.
> This is a multi-stage Dockerfile. The Pharo VM is built in an Alpine Linux
> 'build' container. Then the VM files are copied into a fresh Alpine Linux
> Docker image. The resulting Pharo VM Docker image is ~14 MB.
> The output Docker image contains the Pharo VM only and is not runnable by
> itself. It is intended to be used as a base to build your own Docker image
> containing your application-specific Pharo image.
> Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and MacOS Mojave.
> Pierce

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