A small resume of the tasks of the last week.

- [LargeImages] Implementing a better Spotter:
  - Adding a backend using generators and a combination of generators
  - Adding a query reification to handle more complex queries
  - Adding a visual loading indication
  - Measuring the impact of the changes
  - Adding a help bar with tips
  - Adding tests.
  - Analyzing possible indexes
  - Reading about Non-Blocking queues.
- [VM] Documenting GC, participating in the GC code dojo.

 ### The pipeline.... a.k.a the infinite list from we choose what to
do (starting 2020-02-24):

- Checking speed issues in Rubric.
- [LargeImages] Implementing a better Spotter
- [Pharo9] Propose a PR for Fuel to support Sista
- [VM] Fixing Tests in Idle
- [Doc] Pass on VM booklet: Callback chapter / Preface
- [VM] Documenting GC, participating in the GC code dojo.
- [LargeImages] Working on improving the speed and responsiveness of
large images.
- [VM] SDL Plugin for Idle
- [VM] Improving Speed of TFFI
- [VM] REPL example  / Interacting with an image from outside (?)
- [PharoCOM] Making it run with TFFI
- [VM] Writing tests for JIT generation

Pablo Tesone.

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