On Aug 30, 2010, at 1:06 10PM, Levente Uzonyi wrote:

> On Mon, 30 Aug 2010, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>>>> I suggest that the people that want and know, group together and build an 
>>>> open-source one.
>>> Why do you have to have your "own" library?
>> Did I say "pharo library"? reread carefully I said an "open-source one".
> What I get from Andreas' words is that he's willing to make it open source if 
> it won't be forked.

So, definitely not MIT then.
I guess that means the long-term plan of replacing HttpSocket in Squeak is out 
as well?

>> We do not want to be in the situation that somebody can change the license 
>> under our feet.
>> We want a library where people can participate. Now Pharoers will decide, I 
>> think that we do not have problem
>> with sharing on WebClient. I can understand that people do not like that 
>> they cannot improve an infrastructure
>> that they will rely upon. We do not want string to number conversion, and 
>> rely on squeakToUtf.
> I think Andreas solved these issues with the WebClient-Pharo package, but I 
> may be wrong.

If you call overriding String #, (to accept any object responding to asString 
without raising errors) and Collection #ifEmpty: (to return nil instead of the 
collection ifNotEmpty) "solving the issues" in Pharo,  then yeah, sure. 
If you call (re)introducing #squeakToUtf8/#utf8ToSqueak instead of using 
convertTo/FromEncoding: 'utf8', then yes.

Personally, I'd call it forcing Squeakisms on anyone wanting to use WebClient, 
and potentially breaking any number of other packages.

The rest I have no problems with, most are fixes/convenience methods which are 
already in, or should be introduced before Pharo 1.2 (for exampe the 
SocketStream fixes )

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