
I am developing an application which processes and generates a large amount of data. In a recent attempt I encountered an Space is Low error.

This is occurring in a Pharo 1.1 image using the latest Pharo and Cog VMs. I am opening the vm with the -memory: 1000 parameter. The below code I have applied the from the Squeak list from the 100 Million Objects thread. But the problem occurs at about 500mb of ram on a computer with 3 (or 6) gb of ram, with only 65% of physical ram in use. The os is Vista.

Any help in using more memory, as much as necessary for the app, would be greatly appreciated.

"Initialize the memory and GC settings to be more in line with QF requirements"

 "The following settings affect the rate incremental GCs and tenuring"

 "Limit incremental GC activity to run every 40k allocations"
SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 5 put: 40000. "allocations between GCs (default: 4000)"
 "Limit tenuring threshold to only tenure w/ > 10k survivors"
SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 6 put: 10000. "tenuring threshold (default: 2000)"

 "These settings affect overall memory usage"

 "Only give memory back to the OS when we have more than 16MB free"
  SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 24 put: 16*1024*1024. "default 8MB"
 "Try to keep 8MB headroom at all times"
  SmalltalkImage current vmParameterAt: 25 put: 8*1024*1024. "default 4MB"
"These settings describe what to do when we're close to running out of free space"

 "Tell the VM that we'd rather grow than spinning in tight GC loops"
  SmalltalkImage current gcBiasToGrow: true. "default: false"
"Tell the VM to do a fullGC for good measure if the above growth exceeded 16MB"
  SmalltalkImage current gcBiasToGrowLimit: 16*1024*1024. "default: 0"


Jimmie Houchin

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