I must correct some notions.. the time I hope is right for that...

"In India a Smalltalk developer is about 600$/Month. Fully qualified."

I am sorry to point out.. if you pay in peanuts, you will attract
monkeys..!... It costs upwards of 2500$ / mo now..! Just the remuneration
add the office costs and other bits to it.. it is more like 5000$ and
more.. And at that cost you are not getting anyone with top notch skills,
you will have to be lucky to get one in Smalltalk.

Java, Ruby, Python , C++ , Oracle, DB2 .. yes you can at probably half as
much too..!

There is an old paradigm of training freshers in.. but generally their
skills are almost non-existent in terms of contributing effectively to do
refactoring at scales required for Pharo.. testing yes, examples yes..
tutorials yes.. but framework , understanding internals..in depth not so

But this is more to do with the fact Smalltalk today in India, attracts not
one from the premium segment of students from any of the top univ but only
the filtered not really fitting into anything else types. We can change
that drastically if we can move in Pharo into all the Universities and
academics but that is one hell of red tape to jump over.

Get a Thoughtworks, Trilogic , Google , Facebook  in India to adopt Pharo
and see the upswing in the next 3 years.. but costs.. I would say compare
to the West..

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