
Fair enough - thanks for the scouting report.  I hope you are wrong about 
separate binaries.  It would be sad enough if we had to detect the distro and 
act accordingly :(   A candidate for that is Ubuntu's integration of dynamic 
library loading with dlconfig.  I think they have a good idea, but Cog goes to 
pieces trying to decorate the library name, when the module name as given is 
the place to look first.  I would like to see other distros implement the 
Ubuntu solution, because it *really* makes sense.

What do you think of Gnome 3?  Any recommendations to escape it (I'm not a 
fan).  Unity is the sole reason I'm looking at other distros - given Gnome 2, 
I'd be an Ubuntu guy in perpetuity.


From: pharo-project-boun...@lists.gforge.inria.fr 
[pharo-project-boun...@lists.gforge.inria.fr] on behalf of David Graham 
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 2:57 PM
To: pharo-project@lists.gforge.inria.fr
Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] new 1.3 one click

Hi Bill,

Sorry, I don't use FFI for any of my projects.  No tricks, it worked out
of the box... although Gnome3 appears to have hijacked alt-click for
moving windows.

I'm only an occasional linux user, but I'd say it's on par with Ubuntu.
These two platforms are rapidly diverging and I imagine we'll have to
compile separate binaries before too long.

On 4/11/12 12:13 PM, Schwab,Wilhelm K wrote:
> David,
> Do you use FFI on Fedora?  Any tricks needed to make things work?  On Ubuntu 
> with Cog, I have had to resort to making symlinks (in the vm directory) to 
> needed libraries :(  At least it works when I do that :)
> One hardware manufacturer told that Fedora is great for polish (no argument), 
> but that "things are in strange places."  Comments?
> Bill
> ________________________________________
> From: pharo-project-boun...@lists.gforge.inria.fr 
> [pharo-project-boun...@lists.gforge.inria.fr] on behalf of David Graham 
> [da...@unthinkable.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 12:42 PM
> To: Pharo-project@lists.gforge.inria.fr
> Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] new 1.3 one click
> Fedora 16 32bit
> 9813 run, 9745 passes, 50 expected failures, 3 failures, 14 errors, 1
> unexpected passes
> Failures:
> ReleaseTest>>#testUndeclared
> MirrorPrimitiveTests>>#testMirrorSize
> DateAndTimeTest>>#testPrintStringNoOffset
> ClassHierarchyTest>>#testSubclasses
> On 4/11/12 3:31 AM, Esteban Lorenzano wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I created a new 1.3 OneClick release, with latest VMs and latest image 
>> updates.
>> Can you test it?
>> https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/30563/Pharo-1.3-13328-OneClick.zip
>> best,
>> Esteban

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