
I wonder whether that should be on by default.  I have had some real 
frustrations with FFI of late, and something like this might have avoided the 
problem.  Unless it is easily discoverable, off is almost the same as 

Any rumblings on Spock?  It would be nice to have even a facade that unifies 
the FFI/NB/Alien on all platforms.  It would indelicate to mention that this 
was supposed to happen in January<g>.  I never really expected to see it that 
soon, given the problems I had going from 1.1.1 to 1.3 with FFI, and my 
rotating errors with Alien callbacks.  I changed a bunch of FFI calls (in ways 
that I genuinely think should not have been necessary) and retreated to C 
functions for GSL callbacks.  The latter is frustrating, BAD for my eventually 
being able to release a GSL binding (make that REALLY BAD), but not all bad 
because C++ is a better formula translator that Smalltalk, and the number 
crunching runs at native speeds.

I think these things *can* work - they just don't at present, and the 
FFI/NB/Alien split makes it hard to know what to try.


[] on behalf of Igor Stasenko 
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 10:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Pharo-project] [NativeBoost] Generic failure errors when using 
nil for void* and char* arguments

On 20 April 2012 15:59, Jan van de Sandt <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I use NativeBoost to call some icu4c functions. This works fine most of the
> time. But now I run into the problem that when I pass nil as the argument
> value for one or more void* / char* parameters I get an error. When I pass a
> value or an empty ByteArray than it works.
> According to the icu4c documentation I should be able to pass NULL as an
> argument value.
> What am I missing?

For pointers, there is an options in callouts, #optCoerceNilToNull
which should be set,
then you can invoke the call with nil as argument, which will convert
it to C NULL.

By default this option is OFF, because extra check means extra cycles.

You can control a callout options by either per function call (see
or for all methods of your class as a whole, like:

MyClass class>>ffiCalloutOptions
        "by default, return all pointers as an instance of external address "
        ^ #(
                + optReturnPtrAsExternalAddress
                + optCoerceNilToNull  "passing nil as pointer, will convert it 
to null(0) "

> Jan.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.

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