On May 1, 2013, at 7:21 PM, Nicolas Cellier 
<nicolas.cellier.aka.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Opal is fun.
> I have a few simplifications to propose for the AST->BC OCASTTranslator
> 1) instead of testing isEffectTranslator or refining in subclass, most often 
> we could just let self visit the node. Indeed, self will already be either a 
> Translator ForEffect or ForValue.

> 2) I think we can simplify the #visitBlockNode: / #visitSequenceNode: pair.

> 3) I suggest changing the BC generated for or: and and:
> I can open 1 or more issues if there is an interest.

Yes! After we finish the front end I want to do a pass again on the backend… 
there are still some things to simplify, and these look interesting.

Opal TODO right now:

-  refactoring to the new API
- AST Transformer Plugins
- compiler Pragmas (to turn of inlining, for example.)
- get non-boolean receivers for ifTrue: working even when optimizing (see 
- Pluggable everything (so people can exchange everything (Parser, Semantic 
Check, Translator, IR backend…) 
- Write something about it so people can use it
- Do another pass on the backend


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