Hi Norbert,

In Moose, the configuration also contains a little package that comes with 
development tools. Among these development tools we have a couple of 
Moose-specific command lines.

You can see a description here:


On Jul 25, 2013, at 5:10 PM, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:

> Cami,
> thanks for the snippet. The commandline handler for tests is a super 
> replacement for one part of my snippet. But how do you do the lint tests? 
> Norbert
> Am 25.07.2013 um 16:54 schrieb Camillo Bruni <camillobr...@gmail.com>:
>> You use the built-in command line tools and no longer .st files.
>> Pointers:
>> =========
>> curl get.pharo.org | bash
>> ./pharo Pharo.image --help
>> ./pharo Pharo.image --list
>> ./pharo Pharo.image test --help
>> # everything should be pretty self explaining
>> A typical script looks like this on jenkins:
>> ==========================================================================
>> wget --quiet -O - get.pharo.org/20+vm | bash
>> ./pharo Pharo.image save $JOB_NAME --delete-old
>> ./pharo $JOB_NAME.image --version > version.txt
>> REPO=http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository
>> ./pharo $JOB_NAME.image config $REPO ConfigurationOf$JOB_NAME 
>> --install=$VERSION --groups='All OS',Tests
>> ./pharo $JOB_NAME.image test --junit-xml-output "$JOB_NAME.*"
>> zip -r $JOB_NAME.zip $JOB_NAME.image $JOB_NAME.changes
>> ==========================================================================
>> On 2013-07-25, at 16:36, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:
>>> I'm close to having ported all of our projects to pharo 2.0. Now I'm asking 
>>> myself what would be a proper setup to run my jenkins build scripts. With 
>>> RPackage there are more packages in the system then before and in the 
>>> jenkins scripts you need to invoke
>>> HDTestReport forPackages: #( …)
>>> In 1.4 I just added them manually. Using 2.0 makes this too cumbersome to 
>>> deal with. So I need to figure out the amount of tests programmatically. 
>>> The first I came up with (and that would solve my common use case) is 
>>> something like
>>> myPrefix := 'Emcee-'
>>> myPackages := RPackage organizer packages select: [:each| each name 
>>> beginsWith: myPrefix ].
>>> packagesWithTests := myPackages select: [ :package| package classes 
>>> anySatisfy: [ :cls| cls includesBehavior: TestCase  ] ].
>>> packagesNamedTest := myPackages select: [ :each| each name 
>>> includesSubstring: '-Tests-' ].
>>> testPackages := packagesWithTests union: packagesNamedTest.
>>> packages := myPackages difference: packagesNamedTest.
>>> HDTestReport runPackages: (testPackages collect: #name).
>>> HDLintReport runPackages: (packages collect: #name)
>>> So I like to ask how you guys are doing it. Thanks in advance for your 
>>> answers.
>>> Norbert


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