Thanks Sven, I will give it a try.

Best regards

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 4:35 PM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> wrote:

> Hello Arturo,
> On 13 Feb 2014, at 15:00, Arturo Zambrano <>
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >  we are playing with Roassal for the visualization of Twitter data.
> >  So far we used Zn-SSO to connect to twitter and call REST API to
> > get some tweets for playing.
> >
> >  Now, we would like to use the streaming API. I could not figure out how
> to
> > do this with Zn-*.
> >
> >  According to Twitter Streaming API docs:
> > Some HTTP client libraries only return the response body after the
> connection has been closed by the server. These clients will not work for
> accessing the Streaming API. You must use an HTTP client that will return
> response data incrementally
> >
> > I would like to know if Zn  allows to get data incrementally.
> Furthermore it would be great to know if there is some example where I can
> start from.
> >
> >
> > Once we have our toy working we plan to release it to the community.
> >
> > thanks.
> >
> > art
> Zinc HTTP Components is a framework that does allow you to do pretty much
> everything related to HTTP. I would suggest you load the Zinc WebSockets
> addon package:
> In particular, look at ZnWebSocket class>>#to: where after an initial
> request/response interaction, the actual connection used in the client is
> taken and used to run a completely different protocol. I guess in your case
> you would then keep on reading responses.
> But it might be simpler than that, if the server returns an actual
> infinite response, you could ask for ZnClient>>#streaming: true and use the
> resulting ZnStreamingResponse's contents (a stream) to keep on reading.
> Good luck and let me know how it goes, I am pretty sure we can get this
> working !
> If you can tell me how I can access such a response with my twitter
> account, I can try as well.
> Sven

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