I meant a single array weight something like 300Kb with the 32 of them
weighting arround 10Mb.

I tried to look closely at the way the memory (with
VirtualMachine>#memoryEnd) was incrementing and it follows this pattern:

   - The memory costly function is defenitly the one storing my position
   arrays: #setPositionECEFOn:

   - Throughout the computation of the 32 daily positions, the memory used
   by the VM goes from 52Mb to 363Mb.

Is this a normal behaviour ?

On a side note, the computation of a single epoch (which is done 32*24*3600
times) uses 19 local variables. Not sure it is relevant.

2014-04-09 13:10 GMT+02:00 Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl>:

> Your calculation seem to be off.
> 32 * 86400 objects = 2.8 million objects. A shortint = 4 bytes, making
> 10.6 MB
> Everything else (except value objects)  is larger.
> Stephan

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