Am 09.04.2014 um 17:29 schrieb

> Am 09.04.2014 15:29, schrieb Sven Van Caekenberghe:
>> Hi Marten,
>> I will need (much) more detail, what are you trying to do that is not 
>> working according to you ?
>> As far as I know Zinc HTTP Components does the right thing and can be used 
>> (configured) to do almost anything you want. It mostly depends on your mime 
>> types and their charset options.
> The browser sends UTF8 data and in my application code I get instances
> of ZnStringEntity and the contained string is converted to (?) ISO8859-1
> (?) or CP-1252 (?). This seems to be due to the fact, that the entity
> instance always has a ZnUTF8Encoder to do the conversion.
> I would like to have UTF8 everywhere ... without all these conversions …
There are no automatic conversions in Zinc. So Zinc is one of the pieces of 
software I know that do not assume stupid defaults :) Did you specify a proper 
Content-Type header including the charset information? Otherwise Zinc has no 
chance of knowing what to use and the default NullEncoder will make your string 
as wrong as your example above.


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