Google on Pillar "Pharo" hits some old links.

But when I got to!/~Pier/Pillar

this worked fine in the RC inage:

Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'Pier' project: 'Pillar'; configuration; load.
(Smalltalk globals at: #ConfigurationOfPillar) load

On 22 April 2014 09:38, Robert Shiplett <> wrote:

> re: Curl markup, as in web markup using declarative style in Curl PL from
> MIT, not cURL ( see
> My Japanese web pages are now generated using nunjucks + node.js but in
> the hope of using pharo 3 + Seaside on small virtual server, I thought I
> would see what it takes to add Curl markup to the Pilar repertoire.
> But the Pharo 3 RC image is giving a walkback over the configuration for
> Pillar, so I may not get to this this morning.
> mrkup, mrkdwn
> PS
> did any one see the role of an MIT OCaml / emacs guy in the Android visual
> app gen project from MIT ?
> Curl Android/iOS app gen project is called "caede" as in "maple" (KAEDE)

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