On 22 Apr 2014, at 2:23 , Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> as for why there's 4 arc segments instead of one, its because 
> of bad approximation, when drawing more that 90 degree arcs.
> also, in athens, arc segment is defined with following inputs:
> - end point of previous segment (implicit)
> - angle
> - direction (clockwise/counterclockwise)
> - end point
> the radius, therefore calculated automatically, because with given set of 
> parameters there's only one way to draw an arc connecting given points.
> Now if you put angle of 360 degrees, you cannot draw arc without specifying 
> radius,
> because your end points will coincide, which means there's infinite number of 
> ways to draw full circle passing through a single point, with any radius. 
> cairo using different inputs for specifying arc segments..
> - center, radius, start angle, end angle
> the problem with such parametrization is that it is completely separate from 
> rest of commands (line/move/bezier etc).. and you will be very lucky if your 
> arc will be connected with rest of your path.. because arc's starting point 
> depends on start angle, instead of last point of previous path segment.
> this was the main reason to use more appropriate parametrization to get rid 
> of inconsistency.. while losing ability to draw full circle with single 
> command..

AFAICT, still doesn’t explain how to draw an ellipse with constant stroke path 
width, which was the original question :)

One way is to not use a transformed circle path altogether, but draw the actual 
ellipsis path using cubic beziers:

ellipsisOfExtent := [:builder :anExtent | | halfX halfY |
                halfX := anExtent x / 2.
                halfY := anExtent y / 2.
                “We expect relative builder, and start the ellipsis at anExtent 
x / 2 @ 0"
                        curveVia: 0@(halfY negated * 0.55) and: (0.45 * 
halfX)@halfY negated to: halfX@ halfY negated;
                        curveVia: halfX* 0.55 @ 0 and: halfX@ (0.45 * halfY) 
to: halfX @ halfY;
                        curveVia: 0 @ (halfY * 0.55 ) and: (0.45 * halfX 
negated @ halfY) to: halfX negated @ halfY;
                        curveVia: (halfX negated * 0.55) @ 0 and: halfX negated 
@ (halfY negated * 0.45) to: halfX negated @ halfY negated;
AthensSceneView new
        scene: [ :can |
                | path |
        path := can
                                createPath: [ :builder | 
                                        builder moveTo: 10@60.
                                        ellipsisOfExtent value: builder value: 
200@100 ].
                setStrokePaint: Color red) 
                width: 8 asFloat.
        can drawShape:  path ] ;


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