Hi Ben - I’m familiar with what you describe, and I guess I will have a poke.

I have noticed I can type - 0000, and put some text like 
“Person—MyChanges-description” - so maybe I should just do that in my repo?

Sean’s suggestion of a change set is a decent fallback, however given we have 
code repositories it seems right to want to flag a group of packages together 
to easily reload. No-one has mentioned metacello - so I’m assuming that is more 
heavy-weight than what I should need right?


On 10 Aug 2014, at 02:15, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:

> Tim Mackinnon wrote:
>> Hi - i was playing around with some changes in a few packages to see if I 
>> can make a contribution to PharoLauncher.
>> I want to version my spikes, in case I trash my image - but I’m not yet 
>> ready to propose anything to commit yet. While I can version each of the 
>> dirty packages - how can I group them to load them in one go? I thought 
>> maybe I could make a quick personal slice - store it in my personal file 
>> disk repository and then load it again if something goes wrong or I want to 
>> revert. However it seems that to create a slice I need a Fogbugz number - 
>> which seems more like I’m ready to contribute? Can’t I make a personal 
>> slice? Or is this where I have to use Metacello?
>> Tim
> I believe you currently can't make a personal slice, but I've also thought it 
> would be useful.
> Now here is a tip to explore the system.  Bring up the halos on the "grab" 
> but clicking three times until you get to the PluggableButtonMorph, then 
> click the "Debug" spanner icon and choose "Inspect Morph" from the menu.  
> Scroll through the instance variables until you see something that looks like 
> it indicates what happens when the button is pushed.  Various mechanisms are 
> used and I don't remember them between times I do this.  In this case it 
> looks like 'actionSelector' is sued, but I also see 'actionBlock' and I think 
> sometimes its something else.  Put a halt in the called method, click the 
> button and trace through to see how it works.  Modify to suit your needs.
> cheers -ben

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