Thanks to all

Le 8 sept. 2014 à 10:14, Sven Van Caekenberghe <> a écrit :

> Hi Annick,
> On 08 Sep 2014, at 09:26, Annick Fron <> wrote:
>> What is the difference between pharoS and pharo ?
>> Annick
> At one point there was just the standard Squeak VM. Then Eliot started the 
> CogVM project, whose ultimate goal was to have a JIT compiler. That meant 
> that he had to change part the way the image interacted with the VM, 
> especially around stack and closure/block usage [this is not 100% accurate, 
> but the details are complex]. So he decided to tackle this in two broad 
> steps: first make the just mentioned changes, test that part and then do the 
> JIT part.
> So the Pharo S (aka Stack) VM and the Pharo (COG/JIT) VM are brothers, with 
> the old Squeak VM being their ancestor.
> Practically, the S VM is slower (because it does not do JIT compilation), but 
> much more portable (because it does not have to generate machine code). The S 
> VM is often used to decided whether a VM problem is JIT related or not.
> HTH,
> Sven

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