2014-10-02 17:26 GMT-03:00 Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu>:
> Esteban,
> On 02 Oct 2014, at 20:43, Esteban A. Maringolo <emaring...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2014-10-02 15:19 GMT-03:00 Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl>:
>>> Esteban wrote:
>>>> Are you using/planning to use PostgresV3?
>>>> What are its advantages over current driver (PostgresV2)?
>>> I was puzzled that a smart developer like Levente
>>> decides not to use Glorp.
>> I don't want to sound harsh, but there is no VISIBLE interest from the
>> Pharo board/committee regarding ORM and/or RDBMS support other than a
>> CI task. Few days ago I asked a question in the Pharo-Business
>> regarding this, and got NO REPLY.
>> This week I was looking into Python's SQLAlchemy [1] to find how close
>> it is to GLORP current features, and also found out how far it
>> seems/feels to a small
>> community like ours. Not to mention things like jOOQ[2] ([1] provides
>> some of its features though).
>> I'm making no demands here, just giving my opinion about a "business
>> feature" (DBs) that I'd like better supported.
> I understand your pain, you're looking for people that are in the same boat, 
> apparently there aren't that many. But there certainly are some (I use(d) 
> Glorp+PostgresV2 myself, I believe Mariano does too), but it seems nobody 
> wants to take the lead to push this (even) further. I am not sure this is 
> necessarily bad, RDBMS does not move that much, but it would obviously be 
> better to have more users.
> We are a small(er) community, it is what it is, but we are growing.

The quid here is who takes the lead, I said I could contribute and
code, but taking the lead on a project requires more than coding

The point that RDBMS is a stable thing a benefit in this case, and
that's why those who use GLORP today (like me), only got
bitten by a few bugs due to an outdated port.
And as long as we use PostgreSQL we'll be in the safer zone.

>> Is the V2/V3 spec a PostgreSQL protocol spec or something made up in
>> the Squeak community?
>> I know something changed in PgSQL protocols around version 7.2.
> V2 and V3 are indeed two different wire level protocols for a DB client to 
> talk to PostgreSQL. Obviously, V3 came after V2, it should be considered an 
> improvement, but V2 remains supported. As far as I understood it, V3 is 
> binary while V2 is text oriented, the former should be faster. I am sure 
> there are feature lists comparing the two somewhere out there.
> Of course, the implementation quality of the driver is important too to get 
> good performance.

I haven't reached any limits of the V2 driver yet. If I have a
bottleneck it is down the DB or at the app level.

Thank you!

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