From:  Sven Van Caekenberghe
Sent: 20 January 2015 01:40 PM

> Using Glorp on top of the PostgresV2 driver (which uses just a network
connection and no native code nor plugin) 
> should work on all platforms. Of course, you still have to install
Postgres itself, but it can run on another machine too.
> HTH,
> Sven

I just ran into an issue in the Postgres V2 driver, which I guess is a
porting error.  See below and note the commas ",".

PGConnection>>stSendingMD5Password: event 
        "MD5 authentication as explain in";
        | hashedCredentials hashedMessage |

        hashedCredentials := (MD5 hashMessage: (connectionArgs password,
connectionArgs userName)) hex asLowercase.
        hashedMessage := 'md5', (MD5 hashMessage: (hashedCredentials, event
salt asString)) hex asLowercase.

        self    sendPacket: (PGPasswordPacket password: hashedMessage) on:

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