I think SciTalk is a nice name :p

*Lic. Ignacio Sniechowski, MBA*
*Prosavic SRL*

*Tel: (011) 4542-6714*

On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 5:14 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:

>   I see and appreciate your effort really, but there is no reason to hide
> NumericalMethods from the book announcement.
> I do not know NumericalMethods. I vaguely recall that you were no happy
> that serge wants to change the code
> because it would not be in sync with the book. Now we can co-evolve them.
> Every I do is open-source and freely accessible so position yourself and
> join effort (I do not like SciSmalltalk as a name).
> Now we have the possibility to make on nice library but you need to sync.
>  I am trying to avoid what the Python community did with NumPy and SciPy
> which is a mess.
>   Ah you see you have to sync with Serge. I think that Serge was not
> aware about that you publish the code in your repository.
> Now we want to rename the acronym (because DHB is not good) and probably
> improve the code
> of the library while keeping the book in sync (like using String
> streamContents for printing).
> I personally hate to see all the comment with a copyright and a commit
> dates.
> Stef
>  Hernán
> 2015-01-28 16:16 GMT-03:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr>:
>>  Hernan
>> This is 8 months that I push didier to release it. I spent my week-end to
>> edit it.
>> So when you talk about respect use your energy th right way.
>> Stef
>> 2015-01-28 14:21 GMT-03:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr>:
>>> Didier Besset offered his great book "Object-Oriented Implementation of
>>> Numerical Methods
>>> An Introduction with Smalltalk and Java" to the community.
>>> We would like to thank Didier Besset for his great book and for his gift
>>> of the source and implementation to the community.
>>  This is indeed, great news.
>>> You can find
>>>     • Archive of the original book, with code in both Java and Smalltalk
>>> https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/ArchiveOONumericalMethods
>>> https://github.com/SquareBracketAssociates/ArchiveOONumericalMethods/blob/master/NumericalMethods/2015-Jan-WholeBookST-Java.pdf
>>>     • An abridged version of Didier’s book, without the Java
>>> implementation and reference; our goal is to make the book slimmer and
>>> easier to read. The implementation presented in this book is part of the
>>> SciSmalltalk library.
>>  The implementation presented in his book is part of the
>> NumericalMethods library.
>>  You want to promote SciSmalltalk, then first respect others.
>> NumericalMethods could be part of SciSmalltalk, but it is the library where
>> code was originally released.
>>  Cheers,
>> Hernán

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