On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 3:27 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:

> As soon as Pharo 5.0 is out it will get in :)
> Again we will do videos and I do not want to have to work at that time on
> it.
> We will have to fix all the shortcuts also because we still have
>     Cmd + m and Cmd b+m
> ;)
I'm presuming you mean its a problem having both, and I guess the move is
towards having only the double-keypress?  I'm going to overreact here and

So what actually is the plan here?  Obviously there are different contexts
(Browser Navigation; Browser Code Pane; Workspace/Playground; Debugger).
Single-keypress-implementors is gone from Browser Navigation. Where else
would consider eliminating single-keypress-implementors?

Maybe its a very personal thing, but I still need to be convinced that
double key combinations works better.  I'm living with it, but it occurred
to me recently that I'm using the mouse to select from menus more than I
used to, and this seems a cause.   Maybe I'm just slow to adapt and
remember the double keypress combinations.  This would be a particularly
good area to gather some instrumented user UI data.

Also, remind me what was the driver for double-keypress?

cheers -ben

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