On Apr 19, 2015, at 6:59 AM, p...@highoctane.be wrote:

> Good CRUD ability is what most people are looking for in web frameworks and 
> we are a bit lagging here.

I extracted out an example store, from the work I’ve been doing, to put 
together a presentation for our local Smalltalk user group 
(http://www.smalltalk.ca/meeting-notes.html). My plan was to put it out as a 
starter CRUD framework. It’s far from a full CRUD framework, but it does have 
single sign-on via (Zinc-SSO), a model with two classes and a one-many 
relationship. The Mustache framework allows it to be skinned easily with 

I’ll try to make it happen sooner, but I’ve only got a time budget of 8 hours a 
week for Pharo work.

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