Hi Cyril,

Le 30 déc. 2015 à 10:17, Ferlicot D. Cyril a écrit :

> Hi,
> I wanted to use versionner to manage some existing configurations but in
> one of these configuration there is some dependencies on packages that
> have no project.
> For example in the baseline there is:
>       spec package: 'Glamour-EyeSee-Presentations'
>               with: [ spec requires: #('EyeSee').
>                       spec repository: 
> 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Moose/Glamour/main' ].
> But in versionner I can only add a project as dependency.
> Is there a way to do such a thing or is it a future feature of versionner?

It is not something we want in Versionner.
An external project must have a configuration to refer to it. If not, you will 
take random packages without knowing if they have themselves dependencies.
What you should do is to create a project for that and then ask Versionner to 
only load the package you need (right-click on the project dependency).


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