Hi Peter and Stef,

Sounds like you want a XML Digester? This is the one in Java:
May be you want to check as reference.


2016-03-19 9:14 GMT-03:00 stepharo <steph...@free.fr>:

> We had great fun with peter because I could understand what I was looking
> for around my xml importer.
> Peter has the same problem so it was fun that we can talk and see the
> light.
> What we learned in the process is that the pluggable behavior is nice but
> limited
>     - type of matching
>     - you cannot match on children because you did not created them yet :)
> So what we plan to do and started (peter publish your code :)
>     - have a naive visitor on XMLNode
>     - use it to write a transform visitor that turns such some nodes into
> special "domain nodes"
>     - Define a builder generating visit methods for an exporterVisitor
> visiting the "domain nodes"
>     (this phase can be really automated)
>     - The exporterVisitor will let the programmer to define export rules
> and create Pharo Object and moose objects.
> Peter if you find something useful in C# let me know.
> Stef
> Le 18/3/16 15:17, Peter Uhnák a écrit :
> I have a XML like this
> <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Class" xmi:id="EAID_4A" name="DCEdge"
> isAbstract="true">
>     <!-- some stuff -->
> </packagedElement>
> <packagedElement xmi:type="uml:Association" xmi:id="EAID_46">
>     <!-- some stuff -->
> </packagedElement>
> and I would like to generate UmlClass and UmlAssociation classes for this.
> I could use XMLPluggableElementFactory, however that only allows me to
> specify the target class only on the element's name, such as
> doc := (XMLDOMParser on: someXML)
> nodeFactory:
> (XMLPluggableElementFactory new
> elementClass: GenericElement;
> handleElement: 'packagedElement' withClass: UmlPackagedElement)
> parseDocument.
> However I need better granularity, because I would like to have a
> different class for 'packagedElement[xmi:type="uml:Class"]' and different
> class for 'packagedElement[xmi:type="uml:Association"]'.
> Of course I could use double visitors (so use the Pluggable stuff to get
> UmlPackagedElement) and then make another pass on it to get the final
> classes,
> however I would prefer to have to wanted class directly without the need
> to go through intermediate representation.
> Is there a way to do this?
> Thanks,
> Peter

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