Yes, STON uses depth-first traversal of the object graph. Since it uses 
numbered references, the traversal has to be fixed. This excludes other 
traversals, as far as I can see.

> On 26 May 2016, at 22:00, Peter Uhnák <> wrote:
> At a first glance it seems to me that it uses DFS instead of BFS, because it 
> doesn't distinguish what is it actually following.
> So maybe the strategy could be to follow BFS and use subinstances of 
> Collection as references.
> Peter
> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 9:20 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I didn't find that strategy and finally created a #flatten method before 
> serializing my grafoscopio trees, with just what I wanted. At [1] you can 
> find the last version of the notebook show at this screenshot:
> <ffcheafc..png>
> [1]
> I know is this doesn't solve in anyway your problem... but may be it could 
> inspire you in some way. I was asking also for a flatter STON and the idea of 
> a method to flatten the tree wrote by myself was not evident at the 
> beginning, but was a very good solution.
> Cheers,
> Offray
> On 26/05/16 13:52, Peter Uhnák wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is it possible to configure STON to generate more flat output?
>> Imagine a scenario where an element can have children and the children have 
>> reference to their parent
>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>> ​
>> Now the problem is that the output of STON will depend on the order of the 
>> items,
>> so if I have "nice" ordering for the following, I will get a flat output
>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>> ​
>> If however the ordering is different, the output will be more nested
>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>> ​
>> As the ordering is not stable, I often end up with results like this (zoomed 
>> out)
>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>> ​
>> The image above has depth of about fourteen, even though it could be 
>> represented with just depth of four.
>> In the current state I cannot actually look at the generated output because 
>> it's impossible to find anything, which is problematic when an error occurs.
>> So the question is if it is possible to push the actual objects as far up as 
>> possible, and use references "@12" only on the deeper levels.
>> Thanks,
>> Peter

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