You might have to do:

ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo loadBleedingEdge.
ConfigurationOfMongoTalk loadBleedingEdge.

to load the latest package versions. It worked for me, at the time I did
it, but the bleeding edge packages are not a fixed code base.
Unfortunately, the "stable" configuration has the "frozen" problem you're
seeing, which is fixed in new code, but the configuration has not been

On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 2:55 PM, Franklin Mike <>

> Hi every body,
> I'm doing the Pharo Mooc and I have a proble with Voyage.
> I used memory repository withoud problem and when I try to use external
> repository(after install MongoDB) my Pharo system stop working as it was
> frozen.
> After some days I try to run VORepositoryTest it do the same thing.
> I'm on window 10 and my MongoDB is not protected by a password.
> Thanks.

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