> On 6 Oct 2016, at 12:01, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
>> On 06 Oct 2016, at 10:39, Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:
>> You should call it Insomnia!
> +1
> For which Pharo versions will this work, is it supported ? 4 ? 5 ? 6 ?

it should work on 5 and 6 out of the box… and I guess pharo 4 too, never tried. 

> Is the plan to replace the previous Dark Theme or are both going to be 
> maintained in parallel ?

not at all (unless community decides so, but if that’s the case I think it 
needs some work… as Phil said, there are some colors that are not working so 
I made it for another project (and to prove that applying a palette was easy… 
which turned to be not true because of the spotter themers). 

I do not think all themes needs to be in image. In my “design-in-the-mind” we 
should have just two: one white and one dark, and we should made the others 
easily accessible/installable. 

This theme, so far, is just intended for my use and all who want to use and 
enhance it, so I’m maintaining it but I accept contributions :)


>> Norbert
>>> Am 06.10.2016 um 10:36 schrieb Esteban Lorenzano <esteba...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi, 
>>> I took some time to extract the ==MUDDarkTheme== I made for my 
>>> *MUDClient>https://github.com/estebanlm/MUDClient*, 
>>> repackage it, rebrand it and make it available for everybody. 
>>> So behold, the new DarkMetalTheme  ! 
>>> https://github.com/estebanlm/themes 
>>> <DarkMetalPharo.png>

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