Thanks Peter,

I will start with the font increase, decrease part then. Is important. My eyes are not so young now. Will try building some small widget with a Tex class using text area and two buttons. It shouldn't be so hard.



On 06/10/16 12:45, Peter Uhnak wrote:
On Thu, Oct 06, 2016 at 10:41:10AM -0500, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:

I would like to create some GUI that would be essentially a text
area field plus some buttons. The idea is to support

- Font size increasing/decreasing.

- Syntaxt highlighting for markup languages.
The hardest part is the syntax highlighting itself, because you need (ideally 
non-strict) parser and highlighter for each language. There are several 
languages that use PetitParser for both.
Then you basically build up the text with `Text`, (`Text` class supports things 
like specifying color, emphasis, etc.).

And then you can just show the text in a RubTextArea.

You can even use Spec' TextModel; I used TextModel and PetitParser based 
highlightning for coloring my DSL, but I never got around to finishing it.

I believe Johan's Live State Machine editor does something similar.

Also look at Pillar support (I saw mails floating around that it was updated or 


I gave a glimpse to the RubTextAreaExamples yesterday, but if anyone
knows a more complete example to start with, that would be really



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