On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 6:35 AM, Dale Henrichs
<dale.henri...@gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> I am trying to debug a problem that showed up loading my version of STON
> into Pharo-6.0. ON Travis, I see the error message[1]:
>   MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "ifTrue:ifFalse:" is nil
> The code is loading and passing tests in Pharo-5.0, 4.0, 3.0 and several
> versions of GemStone, so I am interested in bringing up a debugger...
> I cloned g...@github.com:GsDevKit/ston.git and checked out the gs_port branch
> into the directory
> /export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/server/stones/m_340/git/ston.
> But when I run the following code in a Pharo-6.0 image using the Playground
> by pressing the green arrow:
>   Metacello new
>     baseline: 'Ston';
>     repository:
> 'gitfiletree:///export/foos1/users/dhenrich/dev/_home/server/stones/m_340/git/ston/repository';
>     load: #( 'UTF8' 'Tests')
> I do not get the expected MNU in a debugger -- but I do see a bunch of infos
> popping up during the execution but they fade too quickly for me to actually
> read them --- there were 8 or more popups --- and I got the impression that
> they involved the ifTrue:ifFalse:, but danged if I know how to debug the
> problem ...
> I must have missed the memo that tells me how to get a debugger up in
> Pharo-6.0 ...

Maybe from commandline try...
[ Metacello new
    baseline: 'Ston';
    load: #( 'UTF8' 'Tests')
] on: Error do: [ :err | err debug ].

(If I try it myself in Pharo 6 I get ZnUnknownScheme.  I guess I need
to load gitfiletree separately)

cheers -ben

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