
would it be possible to have

    by example in 3d below Pharo?


Le 29/10/16 à 16:27, Dimitris Chloupis a écrit :
I did not want to go with the original design because frankly that is not my style. I rather have something unique.

Extruding the logo would look very boring and its definitely something I dont want to do.

I love the original design because it is really suits many scenarios including icons and because its a good design.

However here we dont talk about a simple logo to be used everywhere, this is a book cover and plus Stef asked me to use this that I have created in the past. The original design can continue to be around since it can serve many other roles.

Python books for example rarely use the python logo, usually they have some painted snake or even mouse etc. By rarely I mean extremely rarely.


Another reason is that 3d graphics are quite hard to make , so its not that simple for me to start from scratch and have something ready in 1 day. The only thing I can do is tweak this to make it slightly better.

On a question of form, its not a problem this is a 3d scene as such its extremely flexible on how I can render this, it can be resized in any way and change in proportion.

In any case I have zero issues with going with the original cover or a design not made by gets picked. I made this render because I will use it as a background to my blog anyway so it wont go to waste.

On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 5:05 PM Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com <mailto:b...@openinworld.com>> wrote:

    Nice, but I guess this was originally for something else since its not
    in the book form factor which will change your composition. It would
    be good to see a sample in book form factor.

    Also Pharo has its brand with the lighthouse in the big-O that I guess
    it would be good to follow like the other books...

    How would it look to extrude logo.svg from here...?

    cheers -ben

    On Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 8:36 PM, Dimitris Chloupis
    <kilon.al...@gmail.com <mailto:kilon.al...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    > So Stef reminded me that we are going to need a cover for PBE5 ,
    so I
    > decided to revive my now 2 year old pharo logo render and
    enhance it. I
    > decided also to release all assets under MIT license as a
    present to the
    > community. The repo can be found here
    > https://gitlab.com/Kilon/pbe5-cover/tree/master
    > latest render can be found here
    > this is not final render I have a few thing to improve but it is
    90% there.
    > Hope you like, I leave the final decision on Stef.

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