Hello, all.

This question is not as much a question about smalltalk as one about modeling 
in smalltalk.

I am currently writing an API using Teapot that will be serving up data about 
internet radio stations. I want to be able to let users tag the stations with 
arbitrary tags. Using a relational database, I would create an object like 
"Tagging" with foreign keys pointing to the "Stations" class and the "Tag" 
Class. It would have station_id and tag_id.

If this was going to be even a tiny bit more complex, I would probably just 
make it a polymorphic association. 

My question is, how would I approach this in smalltalk? Would I just make 
methods on tag and station (and whatever else) that stored arrays of each 
other? Would I create an intermediary model like "Tagging" and have that do the 
heavy lifting?

Ideas? Thanks!;

photographer, journalist, visionary

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