On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 3:36 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
<offray.l...@mutabit.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 26/01/17 05:43, Serge Stinckwich wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 10:29 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
>> <offray.l...@mutabit.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Jose,
>>> I'm building something that has ideas borrowed from Jupyter notebook[a],
>>> Leo
>>> Editor[b] and Pharo/Smalltalk and few other original ones. The more I see
>>> the connections between stuff like Eve[1], org-mode[2], Jupyter Lab[3], I
>>> think that the time for literate computing[4] (a development beyond
>>> literal
>>> programming), reproducible research and live coding is coming.
>>> [a] http://jupyter.org/
>>> [b] http://leoeditor.com/
>>> [1]
>>> https://hackernoon.com/smalltalk-and-protein-programming-4da245ac93e2#.2riwbeeia
>>> [2] https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v046i03
>>> [3] http://jupyterlab.github.io/jupyterlab/
>>> [4]
>>> http://blog.jupyter.org/2015/07/07/project-jupyter-computational-narratives-as-the-engine-of-collaborative-data-science/
>> I'm currently using Jupyter notebook with some of my students for
>> doing simulation of dynamical systems and they love it I guess. I'm
>> not a big fan of the UI because it still looks like a web page and the
>> interaction is still somewhat limited compared to what you can do with
>> Pharo.
>> I'm also a big fan of org-mode and even more powefull than Jupyter
>> notebooks because you can mix different computer languages at the same
>> time and there is a real support for folding.
> Yes, I am not a big fan of Jupyter notebook neither. Sounds kind of mean,
> but the actual interface is like a glorified REPL log, powered by HTML
> output, with a linear sequence of single input/output pair of cells. So
> notebooks authors have two options: split the document into several files,
> loosing the general overview of the document or a single long "reel" of REPL
> log, with too much detail at the same time (I have experience this by myself
> [1]). I think that org-mode and interactive outliners (as exemplified in
> [2][3])  are better suited to manage exploratory literate computing,
> interactive documentation, and the "emergent" order that writing implies.
> [1] http://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/piamed/doc/tip/Afiche/narrativa.png
> [2] https://youtu.be/dljNabciEGg
> [3] http://xiki.org/screencasts/
>> If you remember I have
>> done a small show us "your project" last ESUG about some experience I
>> have done about be able to run Pharo code inside org-mode.
> Yes, I remember :-). I was also the "USB guy" in the orange cap team :-P, so
> I was taking care of logistics and didn't see as much as I would like of the
> event :-/
>> At the moment, we are quite interested in my research group to be able
>> to a kind of literate style of computing for modeling and simulation
>> of complex systems like simulation of epidemiology models. This is
>> something we can do with Jupyter but would be even more interesting in
>> the context of Pharo.
>> Eve looks also very interesting but I have to read more about this one.
> [...]
>> I really like what you done until now with Grafoscopio and I will try
>> to help and use it for own work in the future.
> Because of the uniform, moldable and integrated nature of Pharo, I think
> that Grafoscopio, even in its early stages, prototypes stuff that others,
> like Jupyter Lab, are trying to reach, for example trying to go beyond the
> notebook and having a extensible computing environment available to the
> notebooks. With Grafoscopio we already have that (thanks to being "inside"
> Pharo).
> Maybe a first try to integrate our work could be to have some Kendrick
> notebook in Grafoscopio. I have to fix some important bugs, but Grafoscopio
> is already usable for this kind of scenario and, of course, any help is more
> that welcomed!
> (There is still a nasty bug about playgrounds that produce text output
> replacing the playground code, but I hope to fix it soon).
>> I have to look to Fossil. Is it possible to linked in someways to git ?
> Yes, there is some fossil to git bridge. I will try to give support to
> fossil first, to have a smooth integrated experience, but that doesn't
> preclude the use of other DVCS to work with.
>> I was thinking that maybe that I will submit a gsoc proposal to have
>> some support in Jupyter notebooks for Pharo.
>> Apparently this not that difficult to built a basic support and after
>> that we can built some elaborate on top of it.
>> What do you about that ?
>> Regards,
> I would like better a GSoC proposal to improve Grafoscopio, as a literate
> computing environment for Pharo.

This sounds like a good idea.  If the project proposal compares and
contrasts with the competitors,
as well as showing why its not a "me-too" project,
this would highlight the advantages of Pharo's approach and why its a
worthwhile ecosystem for GSoC to support.

cheers -ben

> Jupyter is popular but pretty limited in
> terms of the notebooks document model and the moldabiliy of the environment
> or the live coding capabilities (but it's improving). For me, the big
> advantage of Jupyter or Org-mode is their language agnostic architecture,
> while Grafoscopio is focused on Pharo/Smalltalk. But language specific
> computing suites (like RStudio) are still appealing for projects like GSoC.
> A Grafoscopio GSoC proposal would try to improve several items:
> - User interface and functionality: Keyboard shorcuts, GUI bugs, integrated
> pdf export (via pandoc/LaTeX), integrated asynchronous lightweight
> collaboration on documents (via fossil DVCS).
> - Better test coverage and improving code quality in general.
> GSoC rules doesn't allow being a mentor and a student, so I can not mentor
> myself (despite of me kind of doing so with this project :-P). I would
> really like to have someone mentoring me this project, helping me with my
> knowledge gaps, Spec specific issues, coding in general.
> So, would anyone of the seasoned Pharoers like to mentor this project? I'm
> pretty self motivated, but having some guide for this summer to improve my
> coding skills with a valuable project for the community will make a big
> difference.
> Cheers,
> Offray

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