Hi Alistair,

Unix process is making the task properly. Now I wonder how I can load the proper OS-Windows, OS-Unix or OS-Mac in Monticello, so the Grafoscopio package loads only the requirements for making this work accordingly to the platform where is running.



On 24/02/17 16:54, Alistair Grant wrote:
Hi Offray,

Which version of Pharo are you running?  My understanding is that
Pharo5 & 6 use OSSubprocess, not OSProcess.

I'm using xdg-open to open pdf files on linux (Arch):

| proc |

proc := OSSUnixSubprocess new.
     command: 'xdg-open';
     arguments: (Array with: url).
     proc run.
UIManager inform: 'Opened: ', url.

url is the path to the file in this case.

You can check the exit status with:

proc exitStatusInterpreter


proc exitStatusInterpreter isSuccess


On 25 February 2017 at 05:07, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
<offray.l...@mutabit.com> wrote:
Thanks Hilaire.

I was thinking in something that depend on OSProcess and invoke xdg-open on
Linux, for example, but is not working neither.

OSProcess command: 'xdg-open ', pdfPathString

doesn't open the PDF file :-/.



On 24/02/17 13:02, Hilaire wrote:
Oh, you can add your extension to the OSPlateform hierarchy.

So one your extensions added in the hierarchy, your code will use it
with an uniform:

OSPlateforme current openPdf: 'grafoscopio.pdf'

Le 24/02/2017 à 18:55, Hilaire a écrit :
But likely there is already something like that in the system but I
can't see.

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