You can see what's going on with this:

p := GTPlayground open.
pmodel := p model.
logger := GLMMemoryLogger new.
pmodel logger: logger.

Then open the annoucements pane to see what is going on.

Be ready to use the interrupt combo as I have experienced strange effects

If you have a handle on the model, you can see a lot.

Somewhere one can find the bindings, which can then be persisted to disk,
STON comes to mind.



On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 5:45 AM, Ben Coman <> wrote:

> On Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 10:06 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <
>> wrote:
>> On 28/02/17 02:12, Ben Coman wrote:
>> On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 11:28 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I would like to store the object resulting from executing a playground.
>>> This would imply two steps:
>>> - Knowing that the playground content was executed (via the play button
>>> or its shortcuts Ctrl + Shift + g or Ctrl + g).
>>> - Getting the results of that execution. For example if the result at
>>> the end is a string or a dictionary, I would like to get that string or
>>> dictionary.
>>> Any pointers on how to make that will be welcomed.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Offray
>>> Ps: I still get lost when I search by myself trying to answer questions
>>> like the ones above. I imagine that in some way is related with
>>> evaluationAction and presentations, by looking for the source code of "do
>>> it and go", but still I can't get a functional code snippet to start
>>> prototyping.
>> In playground, if you evaluate "self halt. 42" at top of the debug stack
>> you'll see method...
>>    Undefined>>DoIt
>>        self halt.
>>        ^ 42
>> where stepping
>> OVER returns 42 into "value" variable in OpalCompiler>>evaluate
>> OVER returns 42 into "result" variable in RubSmalltalkEditor>>evaluate:a
>> ndDo:
>> at the end of which stepping
>> INTO "^aBlock value: result"  takes you to 
>> RubSmalltalkEditor>>highlightEvaluateAndDo:,
>> where
>> INTO "[:result | aBlock value: result]"    takes you to
>> GLMPharoScriptPResentation(GLMRubricSmalltalkCodePresentatio
>> n)>>executionSelectionActions
>> Wow that was pretty insightful! Thanks Ben. I still don't know when to
>> use Over or Into,
> It helps to observe the three types of stepping behavior side by side.
> I've devised a little demo.
> First, to help keep track of the windows, hack this mod into
> RubSmalltalkEditor>>debug:receiver:in:
>     debugSession := guineaPig newDebugSessionNamed: ('debug ' ,
> aCompiledMethod selector printString asUppercase)  startedAt: context.
> In playground evaluate...
>    Object subclass: #DebugDemo
> instanceVariableNames: ''
> classVariableNames: ''
> package: 'DebugDemo'.
> In playground evaluate...
>     #('over' 'through' 'into') do: [ :demoMethodName|
> DebugDemo compile: demoMethodName , '
>             x := 0.
>             #(1 2) do: [:n | x := x + 1].
>             self inform: x printString.'.
>             RubSmalltalkEditor new debug: (DebugDemo>>(demoMethodName
> asSymbol)) receiver: nil in: nil.
> ].
> Arrange the three debug windows side by side, left to right, OVER,
> 1. Moving left to right, click once on each window's related "step" button
> - OVER then THROUGH then INTO.
>     While views remain the same, repeat 1.
> 2. When views diverge, keep clicking INTO until it matches THROUGH.
> 3. While THROUGH and INTO views remain the same, keep alternately clicking
> these.
>     When they diverge return to 2.
>     When all views are the same, return to 1.
> The key thing to observe with the INTO window, is that sending #value: to
> the array gets you to the same place as THROUGH got in one step. It skips
> through the block support infrastructure.
> i think maybe it would help to rearrange the "step" buttons in order of
> increasing detail. i.e. OVER, THROUGH, INTO.
> Also maybe the "through" icon could be a right arrow inside square
> brackets like this... [-->].
> That would probably look neater without the underline.
> To put the terminology into perspective, I've contrived a poor analogy
> of...
> A method being a path along the ground.
> slabs/
> Each slab is a message send.  Under each slab is an offshoot tunnel with
> further slabs along it.
> The quickest way down the path is to step OVER each slab(message send)
> because you don't care what is happening beneath the slab.
> Sometimes you need to know everything that is going on underneath, so you
> lift up the slab and go INTO the tunnel and step on each of the slabs in
> the tunnel.
> Now to stretch the analogy, consider that a block is held at the end #do:
> tunnel.  You are interested in the individual steps of the block, but not
> in all the steps of the tunnel (which is the support infrastructure that
> iterates a collection sending #value: to each element), so you fly THROUGH
> the tunnel without touching the individual steps, and just step the slabs
> of the block held at the end. Phew!
> So in summary,
> INTO steps into every message send.
> OVER and THROUGH are similar, but the first steps over blocks, and the
> latter steps through blocks.
> HTH,
> cheers -ben

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