
you should think to move to Pharo 50. We closed around 1500 issues between
pharo 40 and pharo 50 and the same amount between pharo 50 and pharo 60.
Pharo 50 is really stable and working well

On Sat, Mar 25, 2017 at 8:58 AM, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:

> Hi Sabine,
> Thanks to share your experience.
> My process is in 3 folds:
> 1. I build from bash and smalltalk scripts an application archive for
> deployment, as I do for Dr.Geo (with configured image, VM, bootstart
> data and bash scripts)
> 2. On the target host, the archive is deployed (unarchived), then bash
> script launches the image for application installation (Mongo repo build
> up and filled with data). The image is not saved.
> 3. The image is launched again with a configured smalltalk script, then
> saved at the end. It should result in image to run the application,
> hopefully for multiple running instance with load balancing (not there
> yet).
> The 3. does not get well. As you suggested from your response, I will
> try to use the 'eval' command handler instead of the 'st' command
> handler and see how it goes.
> Thanks
> Hilaire
> Le 25/03/2017 à 07:55, Sabine Manaa a écrit :
> > Hi Hilaire,
> >
> > I also use a command line handler for start in a new image with voyage .
> > I start it like this on windows:
> >
> > .\...\Pharo5.0.image --no-default-preferences eval --save "
> > MCRepositoryGroup default addRepository: (MCHttpRepository location:
> > 'http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Sabine/RKA24/main'  user: 'Sabine'
> >  password: 'xxx').Metacello new smalltalkhubUser: 'Sabine' project:
> > 'RKA24'; configuration: 'RKA24'; version: #development; load".
> >
> > Are you sure that the code in the file is executed? I had similar
> > problems and asked in slack. Unfortunately the discussion is gone. It
> > came out that some combinations of file configuration and command line
> > commands do not work. I currently don't remember which (save?) but
> > perhaps this brings you to an idea.
> >
> > Regards
> > Sabine
> --
> Dr. Geo
> http://drgeo.eu

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