Hi alistair

We should target Pharo 70.
Now it is great that you help improving the file frameworks.
Could you open a bug entry?
Do you have tests?


On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 2:04 PM, Alistair Grant <akgrant0...@gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> I previously suggested a change to Path>>/ which actually covered two
> issues:
> 1. The handling of the parent directory notation, i.e. ".."
> 2. The construction of path segments when appending a string.
> As Damien pointed out, the first issue needs a bit more consideration.
> I think the second point is still problematic and can be addressed
> separately.  In particular:
> ('/a/b/c' asFileReference / 'd/e/f') parent  "File @ /a/b/c"
> I would expect the result to be "File @ /a/b/c/d/e"
> The fix is straightforward (although someone may be able to propose a
> more elgant solution):
> --
> / aString
>         | path additionalPath index |
>         aString isEmptyOrNil
>                 ifTrue: [ Error signal: 'Path element cannot be empty or
> nil'].
>         additionalPath := Path from: aString.
>         path := self class new: self size + additionalPath size.
>         path copyFrom: self.
>         index := self size + 1.
>         additionalPath do: [ :each |
>                 path at: index put: each.
>                 index := index + 1.
>                 ].
>         ^ path
> --
> 1. Do you agree with the proposed change?
> 2. (Assuming you agree): Should we target Pharo 6.0 or 7.0?
>    On one side, this is clearly a bug, on the other, no one has reported
>    it to date, so it isn't having a big impact.
> Thanks,
> Alistair

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