
is there a common/best practice for using external files in tests?

In my specific case I am interested in git-based projects, where I have a big 
(~1MB) file stored in repository and I would like to use it in my tests.

For GitFileTree project I could presumably use the following to access it:

'OP-XMI' asPackage mcPackage workingCopy repositoryGroup remotes first 
directory / 'tests' / 'my-test-file.xmi'

This will retrieve the MCPackage of the Package and then retireve where it the 
repo is actually stored on the disk.

Are there better ways to do this? Could something similar be done with IceBerg?

(p.s. in theory I could compile the entire file (e.g. 1MB) to a method, but 
that is very ugly to me)


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