Hi Yuriy,

Hope I can help.  I tried your example in build 60463 and its works fine.
So lets break it down.

On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 8:46 PM, Yuriy Babah <babah.yuri...@gmail.com>

> Hello everyone,
> I'm new to Pharo and have tried do example with structure in Unified FFI
> manual.
> FFIExternalStructure subclass: #MyStructure
> instanceVariableNames: ''
> classVariableNames: ''
> package: 'FFIDemo'

You opened a System Browser and entered and accepted the above first on its
such that the new package & class were added and the new class selected.

Then you clicked on the <Class> button, such that the "no messages" text in
the third pane changed from
normal font to bold font.  Then clicked on "no messages" to display the
method template....
"comment stating purpose of message"
  | temporary variable names |

And replaced that text with the text below from "fieldsDesc" onwards,
the Accepted that.

> MyStructure class>>#fieldsDesc
> ^ #(
> uint8 id;
> char * struct_name;
> uint name_length;
> )
Then separately you evaluated(doIt) the following...

> MyStructure rebuildFieldAccessors

> . -> DoIt -> MessageNotUnderstood
What's i do wrong?

Does a debug window appear?  What is the exact text of the title bar,
which details which message is not understood by which class.
This provides an important hint to what is wrong.

Further help might need a live chat. I'll be in discord for a couple of
hours, but ask anyone there...

 cheers -ben

I do it in
> Pharo5 and 6, widows and os x.
> Sorry for my english, it's not my native language.
Your english is not too bad :)

cheers -ben

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