Browsing in Pharo, I found that Dictionary has a subclass KeyedTree, which is 
in effect a set of nested dictionaries. Retrieval is by quoting a path, which 
is simply an array of keys. So in your case it would read:

dict1 atPath: #(’key1’ ‘key2’ ‘key3’). 

This might be more efficient than repeated use of the DNU mechanism. It is not 
clear (to me, at least) how to construct the nested dictionaries as a KeyedTree 
in the first place, but this might be an alternative approach.


Hope this helps


Peter Kenny


From: Pharo-users [] On Behalf Of 
Markus Böhm
Sent: 24 April 2017 18:42
Subject: [Pharo-users] Hot to retrieve values from Nested Dictionaries


May I ask:

What's the idiomatic way to retrieve values from nested dictionaries?


(((dict1 at: 'key1') at: 'key2') at: 'key3')


Are all the brackets really necessary?


BR Mike

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