> I found the issue. Debugging remote UI process is not supported well. When 
> you close debugger remote UI process is terminated which makes remote image 
> unresponsive. 
> But it is not completely frozen. You can spawn new UI process remotely: 
>> remotePharo evaluate: [ UIManager default spawnNewProcess  ].
> Or from remote playground just evaluate it directly: 
>> UIManager default spawnNewProcess

Thanks, it works :) 

> I will think how to support it properly.  
> I wondering do you just play or you have real requirements for this scenario? 
> (I not thought it is important)

No i am playing with it while configuring my images. It's easier to test
things on both images with the uis when doing that. In the end i will
embed the remote image in a raspberry pi and access it remotely, so the
ui will (absolutely) not be needed. However, it is conceivable to have a
desktop app that i want to connect to for example if a remote user
experiences problems and i want to query things or to ask the user to
perform operations. 
If i do such queries i can make mistakes and i would have to
proceed/abandon/close debug windows. In this case both will need a ui. 

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