> Am 25.05.2017 um 17:00 schrieb Stephane Ducasse <stepharo.s...@gmail.com>:
> Hi Norbert
> Pillar uses Mustache: it generate a json file and take the template and ask 
> mustache to do the inlining. 
> Now I just hate the idea that we have objects that we should save in file to 
> produce other files...
> Do you know if we could use mustache directly: i.e., get the text from 
> object, get the template and inject it directly without saving to json files, 
> loading from json files....
Sure, that is the normal behavior.

'Hello {{ name }} !' asMustacheTemplate value: { 'name' -> 'Stef' } 

if the template is in a file

'hello.templ' asFileReference asMustacheTemplate value: { 'name' -> 'Stef' } 
asDictionary .

I talked to Damien back then but I never understood why that configuration file 
was so important. For that they needed to add a CLI option for mustache. But I 
cannot recall exactly what were the reasons.

Does that answer your question?


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