
I placed this code in a baseline of my package:

        project: 'VoyageMongo'
                with: [ spec
                        className: #ConfigurationOfVoyageMongo;
                        version: #stable;
                        repository: 'github://pharo-nosql/voyage/mc';
                        loads: #('mongo tests') ].

Unfortunately, when I load my Package from Pharo6 on MacOS Sierra I get the 
following error:

Error: Unsupported OS platform

The first lines of the stack are:

BaselineOfPunQLite(Object)                              error:
BaselineOfPunQLite                                      platformLibraryName
BaselineOfPunQLite                                      preLoad
MetacelloMCVersionpec(MetacelloSpec)    doItBlock:

In detail:

        " Answer a name for the compiled version of the library "

        Smalltalk os isUnix             ifTrue: [ ^ 'unqlite.so' ].
        Smalltalk os isWin32            ifTrue: [ ^ 'unqlite.dll' ].
        Smalltalk os isMacOSX   ifTrue: [ ^ 'unqlite.dylib' ].
        self error: 'Unsupported OS platform’

With Pharo6 on MacOsSierra, «  Smalltalk os isMacOSX » return « false ». But «  
Smalltalk os isMacOS » return « true ».

What can I do? I just need to load Voyage with the configuration of my package ?

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