What is the Metacello integration setting?

Esteban A. Maringolo

2017-08-02 19:01 GMT-03:00 Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works>:

> Answering a portion of my own question - enabling the Metacello
> Integration setting, does get a bit further, but then it expects my
> BaselineOF package to have a project method (which I guess configurationOF
> packages have) - but as this is a baseline I didn’t think it was supposed
> to have one of these?
> So I guess that setting isn’t applicable?
> Tim
> On 2 Aug 2017, at 22:31, Tim Mackinnon <tim@testit.works> wrote:
> I’m wondering if I’m missing a trick somewhere - but I have a simple
> project with 2 packages, one is a BaseLineOfMyPkg and the other is MyPkg
> (technically I don’t need the BaseLineOf, but I was learning how to use
> them and I simply added a postLoad hook to run some code in it).
> Anyway, If I clone my repo with Iceberg, I get 2 unloaded packages in the
> UI. If I right click on the BaseLine one, and click the “install baseline
> (default)” option, I was expecting it to load both packages for me -
> however I get the talkback error “#addTo: was sent to nil from the
> MCRepositoryGroup>>addRepository: method”.
> In trying to debug the code I can see its trying to find a handler for
> gitlocal:///, doesn’t find one and then tries to create a repo and bails…
> this seems like a bug? I did notice in tracing the code that there is a
> reference to a Setting that I saw - “Enable Metacello Integration” - should
> I set that to true (its false by default)?
> I’m wondering how other people are loading their projects in Iceberg if
> this doesn’t work?
> Tim

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