For the Visitor chapter it is in preparation... (first I should finish
the lecture schedule and after do another pass on the first book ) it
will be an extension of the Expression chapter

On Sat, Sep 16, 2017 at 1:53 PM, H. Hirzel <> wrote:
> Stephane
> Thank you for the reminder in the chapter that classes are cheap!
> If I have a class hierarchy with 300 classes  (for example builder
> classes) but they all implement just one method (#build) then that is
> not complex at all.
> Another thing:
> I assume you will have a chapter on visitors as well. Do you have an
> outline / draft for that?
> --Hannes
> On 9/11/17, Stephane Ducasse <> wrote:
>> tx for the feedback!
>> On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 1:18 PM, H. Hirzel <> wrote:
>>> Hello Stephane
>>> I like the emphasis of the chapter that implementing same selector
>>> several times at the proper place in a couple of classes is more
>>> important than to rely on inheritance.
>>> In particular the conclusion
>>> <citation>
>>> What is important to realise is that classes are cheap. It is better
>>> to write 5 little classes than a huge one. Some (even smart) people
>>> got confused by measuring complexity of a system using number of
>>> classes. Having many classes representing good abstractions with a
>>> single responsibility is much much better than having a single class
>>> exhibiting multiple responsibilities.
>>> </citation>
>>> Suggestion: put it into a 'Note' box.
>>> And replace
>>>     'got confused'
>>> with:
>>>    'get confused'
>>> Replace:
>>>     Now the choices can be made over multiple tenth of classes.
>>>     'multiple tenth' is an uncommon expression
>>> Suggestion:
>>>      Now the choices can be made over dozens of classes.
>>> However
>>>     'Sending a message is making a choice!'
>>> takes the view point of the mechanism which does the late binding.
>>> If I write
>>>      aNode emitHTML: aStream
>>> I do not make the choice. There are different types of nodes and they
>>> all do the same in the sense that they produce HTML code.
>>> In any case to drive the point home more examples are needed.
>>> The Boolean example is the minimal example and as such is interesting.
>>> But it is a borderline case which just illustrates that Smalltalk goes
>>> a long way to implement the object and message pattern consistently.
>>> The Pillar example is fine but too terse.
>>> For people who already understand the issue just a reference is fine.
>>> But for people new to the concept of replacing a case statement with a
>>> class hierarchy it is too short.
>>> Elaborate!
>>> E.g. have a diagram for a subset of the hierarchy
>>>         PRObject #(''properties'')
>>>                 PRDocumentItem #(''counter'')
>>>                         PRDocumentGroup #(''children'')
>>>                                 PRDocument #()
>>>                                 PRHeader #(''level'')
>>>                                 PRList #()
>>>                                         PROrderedList #()
>>>                                         PRUnorderedList #()
>>>                                 PRParagraph #()
>>>                                 PRReference #(''reference''
>>> ''parameters'')
>>>                                         PRFigure #()
>>>                                 PRSlide #(''title'' ''label'')
>>>                         PRText #(''text'')'
>>> And show all the emitHTML: messages.
>>> And go for a third example, e.g. from Morphic or Bloc
>>>     position:
>>>     extent:
>>>     color:
>>>     owner:
>>>     submorphs:
>>>     drawOn: aCanvas
>>> Meaning of last sentence is not clear.
>>> <citation>
>>> Remember that when we execute a method (and also write it), one key
>>> information we get is that the receiver from this class or one of its
>>> subclasses as we will later.
>>> <citation>
>>> Regards
>>> Hannes
>>> On 9/11/17, Ricardo Pacheco <> wrote:
>>>> Looks Great, congratulations!! I just read it and has a couple of
>>>> mistakes
>>>> in the first figures. The return value of the false (2.3, 2.4).
>>>> Regards
>>>> Ricardo
>>>> El sept. 11, 2017 12:12 AM, "Stephane Ducasse" <>
>>>> escribió:
>>>> Hi
>>>> after this crazy esug I took a long bus and I wrote one missing
>>>> chapter for the forhtcoming bus.
>>>> I plan to have a first full version for 1 of October :)
>>>> I reorganised and massively clean the book contents.
>>>> Comments are welcome in any form.
>>>> Stef

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