
I am trying to customize an inspector with a code browser, and I have in
a compose method of my own browser the following: 


browser transmit
                from: #methods;
                fromOutsidePort: #entity;
                to: #source;
                when: [ :method | method notNil ];
                andShow: [ :a :method :object | self sourceOf: method
for: object in: a ].

browser transmit
                from: #links;
                fromOutsidePort: #entity;
                to: #selectedLink;
                when: [ :link | link notNil ];
                andShow: [ :a :link | self inspectSelectedLink: link
inPresenter: a ]. 


Is there an easy way to update the #source pane whenever one of my links
is selected in my #link pane ? 

In my case, the source code is displayed first, and when i select a link
in the #link pane i want to highlight specific parts of this source code
and the easiest way would be to re-trigger the first block above. I did
not try it, but it seems that i could retrieve the #source pane and the
selected method manually and re-trigger the method from the second block
(i.e. when a link is selected), but i am not sure that is the right way
to do it... 

Also i was wondering if there was a video of the moldable inspector
tutorial from pharo days 17 somewhere on the web, because i did not find
it on youtube. 

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